She's thinking about Face Book, but not ready yet, to take the leap. It makes me laugh when I think about how we 'old folks' have taken to Face Book. I'm sure the kids are thrilled. I've resisted the urge to 'friend' Bob's grandchildren, or even my own, but I do like to keep up by looking at their albums.
Part II (somehow I published the first part of this on my cusiness blog and just discovered it, so when I posted this update it didn't make senxe. I've copied the text just to clarify.)
Mom is still learning to email, and get recipes from Rachel Ray, but some day she'll be on Face Book, too. Do you think she'll be the oldest person on Face Book?
Well, we are still plugging along. The Netbook is so cute, I'm having fun teaching Mom how to use it, most of the time... Lessons usually involve wine, which is a good thing.
Mom is very patient and determined so I'm sure she will get there. She has successfully emailed her DIL and grand kids and has been able to access Rachel Ray's Recipes - which was a goal, so life is good!
The next step is Face Book, but we are taking this slowly, veeerrryy slllooooowwllyy so it will be a while. I have to laugh to myself when I think about how we 'old folks' have taken over Face Book. I'll bet the kids are thrilled! I haven't friended Bob's or my grand kids, as that seems weird, but I am having fun finding old friends. I wonder how old the oldest person on Face Book is. We'll see. this pic! also love that ur classes include wine ;)