When I first became my mother's 'purchasing agent' we had a bit of a communication issue. I didn't know what the heck she was talking about and she was frustrated. She would say, "You know. You've bought this for me before". Trust me, I didn't know, but I'm learning...
The first one was 'sliders' which she assured me I knew. Me: You mean White Castle burgers? Mom: NO. You know ...
Clearly, this is not a productive conversation. She finally provided a little more information and I was able to find sliders, little hamburger buns, in the bread aisle. They're pretty good. Now I buy them for myself, too.
The biggest challenge to date was when she wanted Jockey Shorts. I have to remind you here that she's 100 years old. This was a real head-scratcher.
I asked her what she needed them for. She finally said that she wanted to sleep in them. I confused her further by asking if she wanted boxers or briefs. She said it didn't matter, so we debated the size for a bit, and I went to the store.
I thought the plaid boxers were cute, so I bought those. When I showed them to her she was very surprised but willing to try them. Or, so she said ... She gave them back to me the next day. Not the right thing.
She said she wanted white cotton. I finally asked if she had any that I could see, so I could get the same thing. She showed me women's white cotton 'granny panties'. Problem solved...for now.