Feathers just right.

Feathers toooooo low... grrrr. I have to take it apart.

Purse without feathers. The picture seemed low enough. It's really difficult to tell until it's all together. I'm going to have to pin it together somehow, before sewing, so I can look at where the feathers fall.

This is the first feathered bag. Dog is Snickers, a friends pet.
I'm not sure how my client found this purse - I don't remember ever advertising it. We had it on display in St. Charles as a sample. Someone fell in love with it and 'made an offer we couldn't refuse,' so we sold the sample. Anyway, she had an adorable picture of her Pug, Dottie in a pink plaid, pink fur trimmed jacket and sunglasses that she wanted on a similar purse, but with - you guessed it - pink feathers!
It turned out really cute, after I moved the pictures down on both sides. I'm going to have to figure out how to determine where to put the picture first, before I make any more of these purses. People kept coming into my studio to see what I was working on with all the pink feathers!
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