Yesterday was an odd day - it seemed to last forever. I stay at work until at least 5: most days. It was hard to do that yesterday, but I did. I was tired when I got home, and Bob wasn't scheduled for a meeting so I decided to rest a little before cooking. All of a sudden it was 6:30 and Bob thought he might have a meeting after all. I jumped up and fixed Pasta Vasailia* in 15 minutes! Didn't know I could do that. (*chopped spinach, sauteed onion and garlic in olive oil, over pasta with feta cheese on top.)
The meeting didn't happen, or he decided to go to one tonight instead - so we watched 'Dancing with the Unemployed', as Joey calls it. Were you as shocked as I was, when Melissa was introduced as a last minute replacement? I'm predicting that she will win the prize and marry her dance partner!
OK - back to the 'oddness'. When I got to work this morning I realized that I hadn't changed the clock to DST! Yesterday was an hour longer...
That's OK. I have to leave a little early today, to get some more fabric for the Clutter Bug. It needs extensions on each side. I did the front piece today and adjusted the back, so - it's getting there...
We 'Introduced' it at church Sunday. Pastor Rick thought it would help get volunteers for the parade next Saturday. I got a lot of nice comments about it. Rick said, when I first mentioned it he was afraid it would be lame and he's thrilled that it isn't. (Rick grew up in San Francisco, and has seen lots of Chinese Dragons.)I know I mention my church a lot. I'm very invested in the ministries. In case you want to know, It's First Congregational UCC in Elmhurst, Illinois.
Small Quilt - Spring Morning Stroll
8 years ago
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